Many of you have probably already seen these on facebook. But I thought I would add these beautiful people to my blog as well. This was my favorite project! For my class I had to write up an artist statement. Which is scary because I have only recently started considering myself an artist. But I thought I would just add that. As it explains my project pretty well.
Artist Statement:
Ad after ad, we are constantly bombarded with ways to become more beautiful. Ways to improve the way we look, and in relation the way we feel. These messages are combined with the world telling us to be more humble, never be too proud. But who is there to tell us that we are beautiful, and should be proud of that fact. Being single in this society involves a lot, we are asked to look good, smell good, have good taste in music, and be constantly working in both a job, as well as in the gym.
My series includes photographs of people who are beautiful, just the way they are. As I photographed each person I asked them for both their best physical attribute and their best personality attribute. For some the first question was easier than the second, and others the second was much easier than the first. And some practically refused to answer the questions at all. The most common response was “well what do you think?” And I had to kindly explain that it was part of the project, and crucial I did not answer for them. I added the personality trait word, on to each print. As I think so often in photographs we miss parts of peoples personality as a photo only captures one single moment in a person’s life. And it was funny to see how often the personality trait didn’t so much match the photograph. My hope was to be able to show that it is okay, even good to be proud, confident, and even boastful about you sometimes. We are all beautiful and should not have to be told that by others.

Also sorry for the LONGEST post ever.
xoxo Martha Mae.