I recently told a friend to celebrate the little things in life. And then realized I don't do that enough. So I decided to celebrate a very little thing. Tonight I got home from a long day at work, showered off and got ready for the day. Because getting ready for work and the rest of the day are very different things. So I straightened my hair, put on my favorite jeans, and my new shirt. I know Crazy, right.
But my little celebration was the fact that the shirt I was wearing was purchased (indirectly) from money I made from Photography. I really have not turned Photography into a profit, so even the small profits from Photography are so awesome.
So in celebration of my little win, I took a picture- of myself. :)
Tonight I didn't really go out, only to go pick up some dinner for me and my mom to enjoy at home. But its always a good day when I feel cute. So I love feeling cute, regardless if I have a reason to. I suggest dressing up for yourself to everyone.
xoxo Martha Mae