Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One Year.

Plain and Simple I want to be better, I want to be successful, and I want to be the best me possible. So I've decided I need to give photography everything I've got for a full year, and then see how everything feels after that. I'm only 20 years old, it wont be to late to change everything when I'm 21. So in light of this decision. I'm going to try and merge my two blogs. I currently have a personal blog where I post my random thoughts- feelings- and current interests. And this one my photography blog. But Jasmine Star has one blog, and shares everything there, her photography, her dog, her life, and that is where she gives out helpful hints for beginners like me. So here is something from one of her latest post. Which sparked this change. So here I am. I hope you can learn more about me as a person, photographer, and as a lover of life. 

"This is the cornerstone. Of my business. Of my life. When I first started my business, I was one of hundreds of thousands who was trying to do the same. However, everyone else had everything better. A nicer camera, car, studio, sample albums, computer, lenses, lifestyle...nicer everything. And I had Polo. And a part-time job, an 11-inch MacBook, one 2G memory card, and a lot of heart. To put it plainly, I couldn't compete playing the established game.
So I changed the game.
Instead of resting on the laurels of things that purportedly made me a professional (camera, studio, lenses, etc), I simply showcased who I was. That's it. Where others showcased their everythingness, I merely wrote about life. My life. What I ate for dinner. The Lakers jersey I bought for Polo. Tropical Island lotion. You know, LIFE ALTERING THINGS.
And yet, strangely, it worked. Being myself on the web--on my website, blog, Facebook, and Twitter--has given people more than enough information to Like me or Dislike me. Both outcomes are fine with me.
I've come to believe when running a niche business, giving prospective clients an opportunity to connect (liking what you like, laughing at your jokes, sharing idiosyncrasies) or repel (they don't like Britney Spears, think you're as humorous as a door knob, think you're just weird) is worth its weight in gold."

She is so great!!

xoxo Martha Mae 

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