Thursday, February 24, 2011

Luna's first Snow Day

Today I woke up to a winter wonderland, and it was a bitter sweet feeling. Sweet because obviously, it was super sweet that it was so snowy and beautiful out. And bitter because I knew I still had to go to that evil place I call work. (I also occasionally call this my second home- so I obviously don't hate it). So I woke up admired the snow, and then got ready for work. With a few minutes to spare, I skipped breakfast for a more important task. Photographing Luna's first real snow day!! Which is not really exciting, because Luna is just my new car, and I'm not sure real people even document their children's first snow days, but I felt it was appropriate. She just looked so good with a little snow on her. (and I mainly wanted to take some pictures, for the sake of taking pictures).
These were taken before the sun came up at 5:30am this the lighting is from a street lamp, and is a little freaky.




Martha Mae